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"The Many Roles of a Pastor" Humor

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1) The Perfect Pastor (see below)
2) If Superman Pastored A Church? (please scroll down)

1) The Perfect Pastor

....The Perfect Pastor preaches exactly 10 minutes.  He condemns sin roundly, but never hurts anyone's feelings.  He works from 8 a.m. until midnight, and is also the church janitor.

....The Perfect Pastor makes $40 a week, wears good clothes, drives a good car, buys good books, and donates $30 a week to the parish.  He is 29 years old and has 40 years' worth of experience.  Above all, he is handsome.

....The Perfect Pastor has a burning desire to work with teen-agers, and he spends most of his time with the senior citizens.  He smiles all the time with a straight face because he has a sense of humor that keeps him seriously dedicated to his parish. He makes 15 home visits a day and is always in his office to be handy when needed.

....The Perfect Pastor always has time for parish council and all of it's committees.  He never misses the meeting of any parish organization, and is always busy evangelizing the un-churched.

....The Perfect Pastor is always in the next parish over!

If your pastor does not measure up, simply send this notice to six other parishes that are tired of their pastor too.  Then bundle up your pastor and send him to the parish at the top of your list.  If everyone cooperates, in one week you will receive 1, 643 pastors.  One of them should be perfect. 

Have faith in this letter.  One parish broke the chain and got its' old pastor back in less than three months.


 If Superman Pastored A Church?
By Stephen Portner

If Superman was a pastor of a church, at least in the traditional
chaplaincy mode, he would not be able to do it.  Here's why -

1)  Superman never mastered being everywhere all the time.  He could not take "a day off" each week, because who would cover for him?  He could not go on a vacation because, sure enough, that's when a parishioner would die, and he would look like he doesn't care.  Even if Superman never took a day
off and never went on vacation, he still could not take care of all the people who would demand his attention.  He could not even get any sleep and expect to be there for everybody when they needed it.

2)  Superman never mastered being all things to all people.  Even if Superman rounded up all the bad guys, who would then visit them all in prison? Who gave Superman the right to be the judge and jury and make the decisions about what is justice or injustice?  And just where were Superman's mercy
gifts?  Certainly he would be considered a "bad pastor" by quite a few of his parishioners, because he could not please everybody in the way they wanted their needs met or their opinions stroked.

3)  Superman was not spiritually gifted to do everything.  Sure, he had x-ray vision, which would save a number of his parishioners from going to the hospital.  Sure, he had super strength, which would help in moving the band equipment around the stage.  Sure, he could fly faster than a speeding bullet, which would help him visit house to house faster than most other pastors.  But who was going to do all the administration, paperwork, convene  the meetings, make sure the church was unlocked, and do the
pre-marital  counseling, just to name a few things?  Even Superman would "need help" from  others who had the spiritual gifts for those things.

4)  Superman did not work well in teams.  He was always trying to one-up  everybody else.  Even Super-girl and Super-boy did not quite meet his standards.  Sure, he might "team up" with Batman every now and again, but  that was only to make himself look better.  After all, Batman did not have  the power and control Superman had.  Superman never gave the credit to a  Higher Power, Supreme Being, or Uncontrollable Holy, because from his point  of view, he was it.  Superman was too engrossed in needing to needed and  loving to be loved to really care if anyone else got the glory, honor, or praise.  He was too addicted to co-dependency to work with teams.

So, since even Superman could not effectively pastor a church as a chaplain, why are you trying to do it?