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Nextgen Messages for Millenials

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May 3, 2020 I want to be Different 

Matthew 7:13-14

 PowerPoint: Different PPT 

Song: Different (by Micah Tyler)

 Back when I was a child attending Sunday School, our teacher showed us a picture of the narrow path and the broad way. Interestingly, I would have chosen the narrow path up the mountain. The adventurous and wild little path seemed so much more interesting than the broad way where people were dressed up and seemed to be strolling about in a boring fashion...



May 10, 2020 A Case for Tolerance

Scripture Reading: Mark 9:38-50

Mother's Day Resources

Note how Jesus counters the disciples’ Us vs. Them language. The disciples said: we stopped him cause he was not one of us. There it is, the us vs. them concept that is the cause for racism, sexism, heterosexism, unhealthy nationalism and racial / ethnic supremacy attitudes. If we could only stop that language, if we could only stop seeing the world in terms of “us vs. them,” we would actually have a chance to get along...

May 17, 2020 Overcoming Consumerism--
The Less You Want, The Richer You Are:
Hebrews 13:5-6, Matthew 6:19-21
 PowerPoint: Consumerism PPT

Video: Consumerism VIDEO

Why is excessive living or “consumerism” so bad? Well, it means that relatively few people in this world are taking more than they need and waste the excess. Have you ever seen someone in line at the buffet in the cafeteria and put so much food on their plate that they couldn’t eat it and then threw the excess in the trash? What a waste of perfectly good food in the face of world hunger...

May 24, 2020 Peer Pressure
Download the PowerPoint Presentation
Song Link: "You Say" by Lauren Daigle
(Lyric Slides are in the PPT)
Scripture Reading: Psalm 1

There is a saying that goes like this: “Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are!” and “a person is known by the company they keep!”

When prisoners are released early on good behavior, they go on parole and during that time, they are forbidden from having any relations with ex-cons or any known criminals. If they are caught in the company of such people, they will go back to jail. Parole officers know from experience that if a parole surrounds him or herself with bad people, he or she is prone to getting in trouble with the law all over again.


May 31, 2020 Pentecost
 "Breath of God" Worship Service
Video: Breath of God
Preview on Youtube: Breath of God
Acts 2:1-21, Ezekiel 37:1-14

t the original Pentecost event something extraordinary was reported to have happened to the disciples of Christ. Something changed them from the inside out and there were even descriptions of a physical manifestation such as tongues of fire and a miracle of language.

The two most common words used for spirit in the Bible are the Hebrew ruach and the Greek pneuma.