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Children's Message

Give to God: It Makes the World a Better Place!
a children's sermon based on Jeremiah 8:18-9:1 and Luke 16:1-13
by Rev Frank Schaefer

Objective: to teach the children (and adults) the principle of giving a portion back to God in order to help fight poverty, hunger, and injustice in the world.
Props: an offering plate and 10 coins of your currency (US: 10 dimes; Uk: 10p pieces; Europe: 10 Eurocents; etc.)

Preparation:  Ask a child volunteer an easy bible trivia quiz question (i.e. who was the man in the bible whom God asked to build a huge ship...) and, after   answering correctly, give the child ten coins.

Take one of the regular collection plates/baskets you use for the offering in your church. Show the children the offering plate and tell them that God asks us to give back a portion of what he gives us. Ask the child who has the 10 coins how many of the coins he/she thinks God wants him/her to give back.

[Most likely the child will think it is more than one]. Ask the child to put one coin in the offering plate and say to the children: "God only asks us to give one--one out of ten. God only asks us to return a little portion of what he gave us. Do you think that is asking too much?" [Shake your head in order to encourage a no answer] "No it isn't, especially if we consider that God has given us all we have in the first place.

Now, why do you think God wants us to give to his church?  What does the church do with the offerings like this coin you have put in [lift up the plate with the coin]?  What does the church need money for?  [Let the children suggest things].   Add some things to their list, such as missions giving, givings toward medicine, food for the developing nations, adopt a child programs, neighborhood emergency fund, support for the local soup kitchen, food/clothing supply for homeless people, etc.

All of these things that the church does is to help people who are poor, hungry, homeless, and those who are ill but have no money for a doctor's visit or medicine.  What do you think, is it important to give offerings to God and God's church?  Is it important to help feed and clothe others?    Absolutely.  When you start earning some money, will you give to God?   [nod head slightly to encourage a yes answer] Who of you gives offerings already, perhaps from your weekly allowance?  That is a wonderful thing and God will bless you for blessing others.

Let us pray: "Dear God please help us to remember that giving offerings to you is very, very important.  Especially because a large portion of our church collections go to help those who are poor and hungry.   Let us never forget those who are needy and let us always be willing to share with others what we have.  Amen."