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Call to Worship (based on Psalm 23)

L: The Lord is my Shepherd
P: I shall not want
L: He makes me lie down in green pastures
P: and leads me beside the still waters
L: He restores my soul.
P: and guides me in the paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake
L: Even though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death
P: I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.
L: Thy rod and thy staff
P: They comfort me.
L: Thou preparest a table before me
P: In the presence of mine enemies
L: Thou anointest my head with oil.
P: And my cup overflows
L: Surely goodness and mercy will follow me
P: All the days of my life
L: And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
P: for ever.

Call to Worship

L: Like sheep without a Shepherd
P: We have gone astray.
L: You, o Lord, are the Great Shepherd who sought us and found us.
P: In your compassion you have led us back into your fold.
L: Come let us worship the LORD.


The steadfast love of God, the life of Jesus Christ, and the growth of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

And also with you.

Let us pray. O Lord, pour out upon us the spirit to think and do what is right, that we, who cannot even exist without you, may have the strength to live according to your will; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


Prayer of Confession

God of Love and God of Mercy, you are slow to anger and quick to forgive us our sins.  To you, our good Shepherd, do we confess our sins and shortcomings.

Forgive us, o Lord, for we have sinned against you and our neighbor: 

We have ignored your commands, we have harbored ill thoughts and intent toward our neighbor.

Forgive us, o Lord

We have not always followed in the footsteps of Jesus; we have neglected to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, and to visit the prisoners.

Forgive us, o Lord.

For all unspoken sins, we committed individually we ask your forgiveness

(Allow time)

Forgive us, o Lord.

Free us to live as peacemakers and ambassadors of your love.  Empower us to be Christ to our families, friends and neighbors.  In Christ's name we pray. Amen.

Word of Grace: If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  (1 John 1:8-9)


Prayer for Unity And God's Kingdom on Earth

Growing in the soil of the Spirit, let us pray for the church, the world, and all who seek the richness of life in God.

Shepherd your people, O God, with faithful pastors and teachers who listen to your voice and proclaim your word with truth and integrity. Gracious God,

hear our prayer.

Break down the walls of hostility between the nations, O God, and bring peaceful resolution to war-torn regions of the world. Gracious God,

hear our prayer.

Gather those who are homeless and destitute, sick and powerless into your embrace of mercy, O God (especially), that they may be restored to wholeness. Gracious God,

hear our prayer.

Enable the members of this parish to hear your inviting call to rest in this summer season. Give us times of refreshment in the midst of rigorous demands of schedules and responsibilities. Gracious God,

hear our prayer.

Enfold those who are dying in your eternal arms of mercy, and comfort those who mourn with the vision of (names, and) all your saints, forever joined in our heavenly home. Gracious God,

hear our prayer.

Hear us as we pray, living God, and in your mercy give us all good things, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.



Prayer of Thanks for God's Providence

Almighty God and Father,
     In our shared humanity, our hearts fear more than ever before in this world filled with anxiety, strife, and uncertainty.
     For those who doubt and fear that evil is greater than good we pray for the grace to take the side of your divine Providence. May we always believe that it does all well, and disposes all things for the best.
     And for all of us we pray for wisdom and justice, for courage and hope. May we know that, even if everything is taken from us, your divine Providence means that You will never take Yourself from us, so long as we do not will it.
     Enlighten our minds, encourage our hearts, and enliven our souls that we might know your presence, grow in love, and bring new hope to our world.    AMEN.


Closing Prayer:

You, o LORD, are full of compassion and love. We turn to you, Shepherd of our soul. Lead us to green pastures, we pray; teach us what is good and profitable in your sight. As your Son has shown compassion to the people of Galilee, show also compassion to us. Forgive our sins, cleanse us from all unrighteousness, heal our infirmities, and deliver us from our trials.

We ask these things in the name of our Saviour Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit now and forevermore. Amen.