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Providence, Source, and Grace sound throughout this Sunday's lessons. In the first lesson, God’s faithfulness becomes the ground of testing; in the second lesson, a seasoned missioner can sum up his life in four words that add up to Christ-is-my-source. In the Gospel reading, we get a shocked, surprising view of what grace might look like from those who think they own it. Enjoy!

Exodus 16:2-15-This is a Test . . .

Seventy-five days into the hike and patience is wearing thin with each of the covenant-partners. God-the-Provider seeks to test and train the covenant-people to depend on God alone for sustenance. God seeks a strong, mean, lean machine of a people who, when pushed to the edge, still depend on God’s providence. However, these new recruits, fresh from home, can only whine and bicker over such terrible lack of food. God instructs Moses to prepare the people for a rain of food in the form of manna and quail. The end result of such provision is to teach them that “I, the LORD, am their God.” God provides-again-and Israel is satisfied for the moment, at least, with good things.

Philippians 1:21-30-What is Life?

A thousand sages have asked and tried to answer that question, but few have come to the answer that we hear in this lesson: To live is Christ (v. 21). Paul the aged, the missioner, the veteran soldier of Christ, sums up his existence with those four words-"to live is Christ." What follows is Paul’s reason for clinging to life for a bit longer: to add to your progress and joy in the faith (v. 25). In the second paragraph of this lesson, Paul seeks to transfer some of this same courageous spirit to his recipients. He paints a vision of what he hopes will be said in the future about them, that they too, have stood firm, formed a united front for the purpose of serving Christ-even in the face of suffering.

Matthew 20:1-16-Not Fair!

Now here’s a story sure to offend everyone-from starchy uptights to t-shirters. An employer draws from the pool of village temps at 9 am, at noon, at 3 pm, and once again near 5 pm. That’s cool. The guy needs as much help as he can get in his field. But here’s the rub: not long after the last group arrives it’s quitting time. Each group saunters up for their paycheck and when the newly arrived get a full day’s wage-eyebrows rise. If these slackers get full price, just think of what’s ahead for the rest of us who have worked through the heat of the day, they think! But alas, every temp gets the same darn wage. As grumbling temps threaten to call in the Better Business Bureau, Jesus cuts to the kingdom of heaven punch line: “Are you jealous because I am generous?” Grace can be unpredictable!