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Matthew 15: (10-20) 21-28                                   


The Tradition - At first blush, this account of a dispute over ritual hand washing seems to have little to say to post-modern Christians. The custom of the ordinary Jew washing their hands actually came into full practice after the destruction of the Temple, but already in the time of Jesus, the practice was not uncommon. In essence, the pietists of Jesus’ day challenge with something like, “If you and your disciples are so religious, why don’t you observe the pious tradition we follow of washing the hands before eating?” [1]

Why Showcase This Scenario?

We may assume that there were tensions in Matthew’s church over life-style questions just as in the church at Rome, where Gentile Christians were learning to coexist with Christian Jews of various persuasions. [2]

What About Us? - This passage also speaks to post-modern Christians; it reminds us that we too, can be guilty of placing tradition ahead of God’s moral will. Local tradition (“We’ve always done it this way” or it’s corollary, “It’s never been done that way before!”) can impede the work of the kingdom. Ecclesiastical tradition sometimes squares off against ecumenical cooperation. [3]


  • What family tradition did you observe as a child, still do, and hope to see carried on in the next generation? What family tradition would you rather not have passed on to succeeding generations?
  • What traditions in your church might make it difficult for new people to feel at home there? How could you change these things-and live to tell about it?
  • What is one area of your life that needs changing in order to get your heart and mouth more in line with each other?


Please see a homily based on this passage posted with this week’s DPS materials entitled, ”TRADITION versus tradition.”

[1] Douglas R.A.Hare, Interpretation: Matthew (Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1993), page 172.
[2] Ibid, p. 175.
[3] Ibid, page 175.