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Romans 8:26-39                                                

Suffering Sucks? - no one wants to suffer, no matter the smorgasbord of suffering available to us. Yet Romans 8 gives us a reason why we should welcome suffering, for “our future glory far outweighs any present suffering. In fact, the recompense-glory-is so much greater than the act-suffering-that they are hardly comparable . . . one should be willing to invest a little to gain a whole lot more.” [1]

Holy Spirit and Hope - Present suffering tolerated by a brilliant future is more than wishful thinking - this hope is based on the Holy Spirit who is the foretaste future life. Thus, even now with the Spirit we have a communication system with God restored in the form of prayer. [2] The Spirit helps us in prayer.

The Spirit’s Assurance - We are in God’s hands, the kind of God who sent part of God’s Self for us; all things will finally work out for universal good because of this God’s love toward us. Our destiny no longer lies in our own hands but in the hands of a loving and all-powerful God who is intent on redeeming and restoring God’s creation. The love of God, thus, knows no bounds.


What is the difference between the hope of a Christian and wishful thinking?

What confidence does verse 28 give believers about events that occur in their lives? When has it been hardest for you to believe this? How have you seen God bring something good out of a bad situation?

Do you tend to see the glass half-full or half empty (vs. 28-30)?

Venerable Bede’s Egg (ca 673-735) - The certainty of our hope is prefigured by the egg. No bird is yet discernible in the egg, but the birth of the bird to come is hoped for. The faithful do not yet look upon the glory of the fatherland on high in which they believe at the present time, but they await its coming in hope. [3]


Please see the sermon posted on DPS for this week, “Praying When Words Fail.”

[1] Paul Achtemeier, Interpretation Series: Romans (Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1985), page 142.
[2] Ibid, page 143. 
[3] Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1998), p. 229.