LITERARY FORM - this passage forms part of an ancient religious act, an
entrance into worship that includes rehearsal history, thankfulness to God, and a response
to such gracious providence by God.
A WELL-PLANNED WORSHIP - How can we benefit from the structure and theology that lies
within this passage?
The importance of well-planned worship and a well-structured liturgy . . . forms a
continuous bridge between the generations and between the unseen world of God and the
known earthly realm of home and work. Worship becomes a process of bonding in much the
same way that an infant becomes bonded to its mother-through care and contact. Far from
such worships being an optional extra, it fulfills a vital role in life. It
establishes an indispensable sense of identity, relating the individual to the larger
community in which life has to be lived and generating a sense of orientation and hope to
the environment and its future . . . [1]
JOHN CHRYSOSTOM - Do you see how it is especially appropriate after the enjoyment of
food to set a spiritual meal for yourself lest the soul, after satiety of bodily food,
should lose its zest and fall into some disaster and make way for the wiles of the devil,
who is always looking for an opportunity and anxious to deliver us a blow at a critical
moment? [2]
The Israelites are commanded to
give the first fruits of their labor and their tithes as a way of remembering gods
provision throughout the4 generations. In this way, remembering becomes a spiritual
discipline. Reflect on-or write out-your spiritual autobiography. How many generations
does your familys faith go back? Recount the moment when your faith became a
personal matter. Tell how God has nurtured you spiritually through the years. What kind of
response does your autobiography elicit from you? [3]
Please see the homily posted for this
week based on this passage.
[1] The New Interpreters Bible II (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998), page
[2] Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture III (InterVarsity, 2001), page 288.
[3] The Spiritual Formation Bible (Zondervan, 1999), page 257.
