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Mark 9:2-9                                                           

          a synoptic look at transfiguration Weaving the Transfiguration story from the synoptic gospels, the following portrait emerges:

1.        Occurs 6 days following Peter’s confession; (Lk: 8 days)

2.        Peter, James, and John included in event (Lk: “John and James”);

3.        Location:  a “mountain” (Mk/Mt: “high mountain”)

4.        Jesus was “transfigured” (Lk: “appearance . . . changed . . .  clothes became as bright as . . .”)

5.        Moses and Elijah talk with Jesus (Mt/Mk/Lk)

6.        (Lk: extends discussion topic betw. Moses, Elijah, and Jesus)

7.        Peter’s response:  (Lk: Peter sleepy, awakes, sees scene and then obtrudes)

Lord (Mk: “rabbi,” Lk: “Master”),

it is good to be here (Mt/Mk/Lk)

If . . . wish . . . three shelters—one for you . . .Moses . . . Elijah (Mk/Lk: “Let us put up three shelters . . .”)

8.        While speaking . . . bright cloud, covered them . . .

9.        “This is my Son . . . love . . . with him . . . well pleased . . . Listen” (Mt/Mk) / Lk: omits “whom I love”


          What stands out the most to you in this story?  Jesus alterations? Peter’s reaction? Voice from Heaven?  Elijah and Moses?

          What is meant by voice from heaven—“This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him?”

          What have you found helpful in listening to God?  Personal study?  Group study? Worship?   Prayer and fasting?  Retreats?  Journaling?

          block #1 – Recall telling or hearing a joke – everyone gets it but you (or someone in the group you’ve told the joke to). 

          block #2 – Revisit the earlier scene where Peter hears the words, gives the textbook answer, but really doesn’t get it.   Again on transfiguration, Peter and company seem to miss the point of the event—which will be replayed throughout Mark’s gospel-telling.

          block #3 – Recreate at least a bit of the confusion of transfiguration – have several famous historical characters separated by centuries suddenly appearing together and talking with yourself alone privy such an event.   Easy to miss the point of the meeting!

          block #4 – De-mystify the mystery a bit; describe why Moses and Elijah are there; Jesus’ self-disclosure and what that pre-figured for the disciples; and fast-forwarding to the 21st century, what that means for us.

[1] Serendipity Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing Co., 1998).