St. Patrick He was not Irish. He was a British Celt.
He was not necessarily the first missionary to Ireland.
The only documents about Patrick are his Confession and a letter he wrote
to Coroticus.
There were never snakes---or other reptiles--
in Ireland for Patrick to chase
out. [ More on St. Patrick ]
St. Briget St. Briget of
Ireland was an early Irish Christian nun, abbess, and founder of
several monasteries. She is known for her hospitality,
evangelistic fervor and the famed braided straw cross.
The best-known custom connected with
Briget is
the plaiting of reed crosses for her feast day. This tradition
dates to the story that she was plaiting rush crosses while
nursing a dying pagan chieftain. He asked her about this and her
explanation led to his being baptized.
Download the Celtic Sermon
& Worship Resources for
Call to Worship
L: We see signs of summer's passing in golden leaves.
P: shortening days, misty mornings, autumn glow.
L: We sense its passing in rain that dampens,
P: winds that chill, Harvest's bounty placed on show.
L: Creator God, who brings forth
P: both green shoot and hoar frost,
L: sunrise and sunset,
L: for seeds that have grown,
P: harvests gathered,
L: storehouses filled,
P: mouths fed.
L: And, as your good earth rests
P: through winter's cold embrace,
L: we look forward to its re-awakening
P: when kissed by Spring's first touch.
Opening Hymn:
Come thou Font of Every Blessing
Passing of
the Peace
Moment: St. Patrick
Organ Offertory
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Scripture Reading
Closing Hymn: Be Thou my vision
Closing Prayer (in unison)
We bless you, God of Seed and Harvest
And we bless each other
That the beauty of this world
And the love that created it
Might be expressed though our lives
And be a blessing to others
Now and always AMEN
May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share, For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.