Ephesians 5:8-14                                                              


New Conduct—Paul contrasts the past with the present to demonstrate the radical disjunction between life before and after Christ. In the past Paul says we were not just surrounded by darkness; we were darkness (v. 8), part of the system that needed fixing. In stark contrast to the past is the new reality—Christ whose light illumines life.


What other contrasts can you think of to capture the stark and radical disjunction between the former things and new life in Christ?

"Conversion has significant moral consequences: to seek to do ‘what is pleasing to the Lord,’ to be alert and resourceful, and to be moral agents in the world, standing over against excesses and abuses, exposing, taking no part. This is not the language of compromise, of smoothing-over, of going along to get along. It is a wake-up call, reminding those of us who may have forgotten to get on with the work of living as "children of light."


This passage would lend itself well to expository preaching; that is, work you way through the passage, offering examples, for instances, and vignettes to help your listeners visualize the before/after aspects of life in Christ.

How /why does coming under the tutelage and saving grace of Jesus lead to a behavior that is somehow different, somehow better, from the way one used to live life?

Will we all fall into the same Christian behavior patterns? Has this been standardized? What happens when we try to do that? How much breathing room do we have in the moral/ethical behavior aspect of Christian faith?

How do we know that we’re doing the right things, the true things that please God? A feeling? Pat on the shoulder? What?

1) New Proclamation Year A (Minneapolis: Augsburg/Fortress Press, 2001), page 178.