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Call to Worship (based on Psalm 19)

L: The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.
P: The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the decrees of the LORD are sure, making wise the simple;
L: the fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever; the ordinances of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
P: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
L: Come, let us worship the LORD!


Call to Worship

L: Blessed be the Lord, God Almighty
P:  Blessed be the Holy One of Israel, blessed be our Father and Creator
L: Blessed be the One who proclaimed the year of favor and goodwill to all humanity.
P: Blessed be the Lord, for He is good and His mercy shall last forever.
L: Come, let us worship God!


Litany for Christian Unity

Let us ask the Lord to strengthen in all Christians faith in Christ, the Savior of the world.
Listen to us, O Lord.
Let us ask the Lord to sustain and guide Christians with his gifts along the way to unity.
Listen to us, O Lord.
Let us pray.  We ask you, O Lord, for the gifts of your Spirit.  Enable us to penetrate the depth of the whole truth,
and grant that we may share with others the goods you have put at our disposal.
Teach us to overcome divisions.  Send us your Spirit to lead to full unity your sons and daughters in full charity, in obedience to your will; through Christ our Lord.   Amen.


Prayer Based on All Lections

God of love, God of light, God of the living word, we praise your holy name for your mighty acts of salvation.  As we read your Holy Scripture today we ask you to illuminate us.  Open our ears and our hearts, so that your word may fall on fruitful ground.

May we take your commandments and teachings as seriously as Nehemia's people.   May we allow your word to shape our lives as it changed theirs.

We pray along with St. Paul for the unity of your church body--despite our diversity and differences.  May we be one so that the world will know that we are your disciples.

Let us be your messengers in a world of despair; empower us to continue in the ministry of your Son Jesus, to proclaim the good news of the year of the Lord's favor.

God of the living word, open our ears and  hearts, and guide us into all truth in the name of our Savior, the great Shepherd of the church's flock.  Amen.


Prayer of Intercession

Encouraged by the radiant light of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ, let us pray with boldness and confidence, saying: "Hear us, O God, and show us your glory."

For all people who call upon the name of Christ, that we may be renewed and united in our call to bring good news to the hungry, captive, and oppressed people of the world, let us pray to the Lord:

Hear us, O God, and show us your glory.

For the world pulled apart by destructive powers and people, that all creation may be knit together and healed by the power of the word of God and the witness of God's people, let us pray to the Lord:

Hear us, O God, and show us your glory.

For those who live with disabilities and who struggle with barriers that most of us are not aware of, that they may witness the Lord's favor in their lives and may be given honor within the body of Christ, let us pray to the Lord:

Hear us, O God, and show us your glory.

For those who are ill, who are weak, who face surgery (especially), that they may be filled with patience, strength and courage from the hand of God, and may be restored to health, let us pray to the Lord:

Hear us, O God, and show us your glory.

For the people of this congregation, that all may discover the generosity of God and respond eagerly to the call to be members of Christ's body in the world, let us pray to the Lord:

Hear us, O God, and show us your glory.

In thanksgiving for the members of the body of Christ who have played their part and now rest from their labors, that we may honor their lives with our own and join them in the age to come, let us pray to the Lord:

Hear us, O God, and show us your glory.

Into your hands, great God of heaven, we lay our prayers, trusting in your mercy through the one who showed us your face, Jesus Christ, our Lord.




Prayer for the World and it Peoples (Church of Scotland 20th century)

O God, you are the hope of all the ends of the earth, the God of the spirits of all flesh.  Hear our humble intercession for all races and families on earth, that you will turn all hearts to yourself.
Remove from our minds hatred, prejudice, and contempt for those who are not of our own race or color, class or creed, that, departing from everything that estranges and divides, we may by you be brought into unity of spirit, in the bond of peace. Amen.


Prayer for the Mind of Christ

God of compassion, grant us humility to seek what we need to bring us to fullness of life; to recognize in the stranger your spirit at work. Call us again to compassionate helping in the world you have created. We pray especially for small denominations inside and outside of ecumenical structures; for racial and cultural minorities; for individuals who feel they are not heard and tended to.  Enable us to follow the example of Jesus, to reach out without bias to those who are needy and searching.  Give us the mind of Christ, we pray. Amen.


Closing prayer for the Epiphany season:

O God, you made of one blood all nations and, by a star in the East, revealed to all peoples him whose name is Emmanuel.  Enable us who know your presence with us so to proclaim his unsearchable riches that all may come to his light and bow before the brightness of his rising, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.