Date: 01 Jan 2003
Time: 10:20:05


"Out of the mouths of babes..." Few people realize that this old adage is actually Biblical.

On rereading Psalm 8 in Hebrew I was reminded again how problematic verse 5 is. I remember from previous study too, that the Hebrew poetic meter is interrupted here -- as if the poet almost wanted to say something else but stopped short. What the Hebrew actually says is that we humans are God-like. NSRV correctly translates "a little lower than gods [or God]. Most other translations says we are a little lower than angels, which sounds less blasphemous. How do we live up to our call as being God-like in nature? Are we compassionate? Do we use our power/influence beneficially? Do we create or invent things that are good for all humankind? Good things to ponder as the New Year begins and the Kyoto Agreement comes in effect -- here in Canada anyway. Rev. Karen in Ontario

Date: 9/29/2003
Time: 9:53:24 AM


I was aware it was the Jewish New Year (Year 5764) and that it was Canadian Thanksgiving, but I had no idea it was Canadian New Year. Live and learn.