08 Jun 1999


20 Jun 1999

Are not the Lord's plan and purpose and method glorious? Is not God's mysterious beyond comprehension? Oh, how our Creator answers prayers, makes our paths straight and lines up with The Holy Will. Is not this story a perfect example? Is the parting of the Red Sea more miraculous? Where are the doubters, the mockers, those who put god’s holy power and supernatural wonder to the jest? Let them perform as God has performed. What man can do the mighty deeds that God has done throughout the ages? Can we not praise The Lord for the mighty demonstration that has been recorded for us throughout the ages? Who will praise the Name of the Lord with me? Who will bless God with psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs with me? Or shall we debate the validity of the text? Shall we argue over its authorship? Shall we entertain the idea that it is a legend and a myth? Shall we pursue the Lord with our intellect, our look at archeological artifacts, our natural – mature mind? Oh yes, let us argue with the God Almighty, let us say that God’s word is less than true and less than perfect. Let us decry the passage as a folk tale steeped in tradition and glorious humanness. Let us reduce this account to the human level of understanding. Let us be truly filled with nonsense!!!!!! NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT Rather let us praise the Lord for preserving this wondrous account of love ordained and guided by God’s holy hand. There was no modern dating, no backseat lust, no passionate kisses and clutches, and no forbidden sex that arouses the loins of the natural flesh. Cannot God be trusted to find us perfect mates in God’s way and in God’s time? Why have we given over our mate selection to Hollywood? Why have we given our sons and our daughters up to the god of lust and fornication? Why do we allow condoms to be passed out in our nation’s public schools and make normal the death of virginity outside of marriage? Who will rise up and shout in the streets how God would have us select our mates? Who will shout from the housetops that God’s ways are not our ways, that God’s plans are better than man’s plans, that God’s purposes are for our best?


27 Jun 1999

Dale, thank you for you excellent challenge to all of us on the first entry for this text. I agree with you and many of your comments. I especially appreciated your cutting to the chase with your comments about dating. I believe much the same way, especially because i have three daughters. Many people laugh at me when I point out the dangers of dating, and when I begin to encourage people to think about arranged "pairings" by Christian parents, they assume I lost my bearings. I am glad to hear that there are a few more people thinking like I am. I am still confused about how to preach about this passage to a wide age-span congregation, but maybe to address the relationship/commitment problems throughout Christendom is a needed application. I look forward to other responses to this text.

27 Jun 1999

Dale, thank you for you excellent challenge to all of us on the first entry for this text. I agree with you and many of your comments. I especially appreciated your cutting to the chase with your comments about dating. I believe much the same way, especially because i have three daughters. Many people laugh at me when I point out the dangers of dating, and when I begin to encourage people to think about arranged "pairings" by Christian parents, they assume I lost my bearings. I am glad to hear that there are a few more people thinking like I am. I am still confused about how to preach about this passage to a wide age-span congregation, but maybe to address the relationship/commitment problems throughout Christendom is a needed application. I look forward to other responses to this text.

28 Jun 1999

I'm looking at the aspect of luck. Many people encourage one another with "Good Luck." They are hoping for "Divine Luck." Abraham's servant went to look for luck in love for Isaac.

The servant does not find luck. He finds God's providence. He finds God's hand in selecting a wife for God's servant Isaac and he worshiped the Lord. There is Divine guidance. God guides us not just who we marry, but all aspects of life. We fail to look for God's hand and seek luck in the world. We play the lottery. We take chances.

Yet, God guides us when we seek the Lord in prayer. We wait on the Lord. We see God's hand when we take time to look to God not luck. I don't believe in luck, I believe in God revealed in Jesus Christ by the POWER of the Holy Spirit.


01 Jul 1999

There is much to be said here about God's direction of our lives, but as i read this text, I am mindful of the servant. Abraham's legacy with him is not just donkeys and gold but also Jehovah. Maybe Abraham and sarah's long journey of faith did have consequences in the lives of others around them--- not just in Issac's--- but in the lives of servants and others who witnessed their journey with God.

JJ in Chas

01 Jul 1999

On this independence Sunday, does Rebekah had independence in her marriage or is she dependent on Yahweh, the servant, and her family?



02 Jul 1999

In God We Trust!! This is found on our monetary system exchange. Our nation in the beginning was founded on the belief. Abraham's servant was believing "In God We Trust". We should following the path as servants and trust that what we start out to do will end with God's conclusion. I love this story. MFW