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Hark the Herald Angels . . .
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Modern Encounters With Angels

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     According to the Scriptural reports on encounters with angels, a few  casual observations can be made.  The word "angel" is derived from the Greek "aggelos" meaning messenger, one who is sent.  In biblical reports of direct encounters, angels are generally described in terms of humans (sorry, no wings), yet with an aspect of a "superhuman" nature.  This latter aspect often startles people, but the reaction is usually met by the reassuring angelic response: "Fear not!"  

angel2.gif (905 bytes) Descriptions of angels in the apocalyptic genre, such as found in Daniel or Revelation stand often quite in contrast to the "sightings" reports.   Here angels are described in ways reminiscent of sci-fi space aliens with one, two, or even three pairs of wings, and one or several faces that may look human or resemble animals.  In contrast to aliens in the sci-fi genre, however, these angelic descriptions are not supposed to scare, rather to inspire awe of God as these creatures are portrayed to proclaim God's majesty, uttering things like: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory."
     Throughout Scripture, angels are believed to be superior to humans but inferior to God. Unlike God, they cannot be everywhere at the same time. They are not all-knowing or all powerful.   Angels are generally portrayed as helping humans; yet they are also seen in a role of administering God's justice. 
     Angels are sometimes sent by God to help us out of trouble.   According to the Book of Acts, an angel freed St. Peter from prison. In the account of Jesus' birth, angels warned Joseph and Mary of trouble and redirected their steps, hence the modern concept of guardian angels.

Modern-Day Angel Stories:

As is probably true for many rural places, our church has a fascinating mystery story to tell. It happened a few years ago (nobody seems to remember exactly what year), during a time of crisis that brought the congregation to their knees.

Things were so bad that a call for an all-day prayer vigil was heeded by most everybody and the 15-minute prayer-time slots were filled quickly.

On perusing the prayer-time list, the vigil organizers took notice of the names of two women they weren't familiar with. They found after further inquiry that apparently nobody knew who they were, nor where they came from.

On the day of the vigil, one faithful vigilant reported that he indeed saw and even talked to the two mystery women. They shared with him that they were very confident that God would surely save this congregation because of her earnest prayers.

When asked where they were from, the women responded rather elusively before bidding fare-well with a blessing. Nobody ever saw them again, but their prophetic words came true; and so it is not surprising that some of our church folks have been wondering whether they could have been angels sent by God to share a word of hope amidst despair.


It was the dead of winter. There was a knock at the door. I opened it and on the other side stood a man, he appeared to be homeless. He was dressed in layers of torn clothing. I was scared of him, my children were in the house, and I reached down and turned the lock on the door. He asked me if I had any spare change. He looked cold and pathetic, but something in his eyes looked so pleading. I closed the door and left him standing in the cold on the porch. I had two dollars in my purse and returned to the man. I held the two dollars out to him and he reached for it. His hand was purple from the cold and I felt repulsed by the sores all over it. When I looked up to his face, I could see his response to the way I had re-acted to his out-reached hand. I felt ashamed. He thanked me for the money, and started walking away. I closed the door relieved he was leaving, but something inside of me kept nudging at me. Making me feel guilty because all I could think about was how he looked and I was afraid of him I was. Even though I was afraid of him there was something in his eyes. I reached for the hot cup of coffee I had set down on the stand. I thought about the coldness of his hands and I went to the door to call him back to offer him a hot cup of coffee. By then he was to the corner of the street. I called out, but he didnt turn to listen. I watched him pass in front of a large tree at the corner. I thought to myself, how strange, he didnt go to any other house. I stood in the doorway watching . He didnt cross the street nor did he turn the corner. It was as if he just dis-appeared behind that tree. The cold was starting to get to me so I closed the door. A few weeks later, at one of the women's bible meetings, they were discussing the topic of "Angels Unaware". The first thing that came to mind was the man at the door. I told them of the incident. Since then I have wondered, was it an angel, was it a test. If it was did I pass?


I felt Like I had an Angel With me when My Dad got really sick from his diabetes and his Kidneys failed. He had to go on Dialysis and just about died. But God sent Angels to watch over him until a donor could be found. And that donor was my mom. Angels were definately watching over my Dad & our family.


In 1985, when my husband and I were returning from our honeymoon, our car broke down. It was in the desert and there was not a gas station for miles.... we had the hood up and were trying everything we could think of, but nothing was working... we heard a car door close from behind us and over came a man in a walker and said without even looking at the car, chech the points, my husband said he didn't have the right tool and this man came over with one is his pocket. We did and the car started right away. We all got in our cars at the same time and pulled out onto the road, we were right behind him, then we had to go over this little high point of the road and when we passed it, his car was gone..... there were no other roads to turm off, when we got to the gas staion we asked if they had seen the car and they said no one but us had passed for several hours......... Teri


I was a bridesmaid at my friends wedding. The entire bridal party was standing at the altar, in full view of the entire congregation as the bride and groom said their vows. The heat of the light from the video camera was very hot and I had not eaten as yet for the day. I started to feel faint and went to sit in one of the nearest pews. A lady came and offered me some water and I drank it and felt better. Nobody saw the lady even though I was seated at the top of the church in full view of everyone not even those in the bridal party nor those sitting at the front of the church.


Hello, i have a very true story to tell everyone. My family has always been religous and my story will show you why i am so glad we are. In tornado alley, we have very many tornados. We never would think that they would do to much damage. My uncle and aunt were outside feeding their lifestock. She said that it was starting to look pretty bad. My aunt rushed inside and soon after that my uncle followed her, who had a bad leg and couldn't walk very well. When my aunt got inside she saw a tornado warning right on their area. So she hollered for my uncle, as she went down to the basement. But he was to late. Because right when he got in the house, it hit. The tornado blew a restraining wall over on my uncle, which was very heavy. The wall hit himvery hard, left him trpped, and we think knocked him out for a breif time. The wall fell inward and blocked the door of the basement so my aunt couldn't get out and help. Though my uncle was knocked out he said that he saw very clearly three angels lift the wall off himand give himthe strength to help his wife. He said that they lifted it long enough for him to open the door for my aunt to get out. After that they stood up and looked at all the damage there house their house went though(the winds were so strong that there was a peice of straw stuck in a tree.) He couldn't remeber if he was seeing this when he was knocked out, or if they gave him the power to wake up and see them. Otherwise, if he wouldn't of saw the three angels he probaly wouldn't of got up. Thanks to them they are still alive. If you don't beleive, that is fine, but if you do, thank you and remeber MIRICALES CAN HAPPEN!!!!!! aLICIA K.R.


To write of the several times I have seen or felt an Angel, can not put to it the feeling the moment so deserves. The first times was many years ago. First I would like to add, I believe that God sends to us what our minds at that time can comprehend. Being that I was young, about 23, not having had a good life at all as a child or adult, there was coming something in my life that would top all the abuse and neglet I had ever recieved. The lose of my brother. Three days before I would be visited by an Angel with blonde curly hair and a sweet, almost child like smile. He wore a tee shirt and jeans. Standing there I knew he was there for me, comforting me. He told me that it would be o.k. and with that he was gone. I can still see and feel that moment as if it were only yesterday. I am now 32 yrs old. I have recieved several messages, had visions and been visited by Angels over the years but until this time I have not been "instructed" by God to speak of my gift. In fact for many years I never felt my gift a gift. Not knowning the meaning of visions etc but for all of you out there like my self and there are so many, He has a Plan, and has had it much longer than our minds can understand and "It will be o.k." Faith, Donna


When but a child of six,I remember well the night the moon shown through the window in my room.I was almost asleep with my back to the window.Thedoor was just slightly ajar to let in a faint crack of light.I felt a gentle touch on my back,so turned over thinking it was my mom checking on me.She stood in front of the window,her hair flowing to her shoulders.I called out,but no answer.I was afraid for a moment,then the door opened and she walked in to see what was wrong.The figure in front of the window,was gone.


My husband & I were driving home from church one Sunday afternoon. My husband is conscientious about the speed limit and was in the middle lane with cars flying by us on each side. Looking in the rearview mirror he noticed a police car flashing his lights. After pulling over the officer stated he had paced us traveling fast and cautioned us to slow down. When we pulled back onto the highway and I finally caught my breath I asked my husband how fast was he going? Barely 5 miles over and furthermore the police car had not been there earlier when he checked. And why hadn't he actually stopped the cars flying by us? I truly believe he was sent to delay us a bit in order to avert a serious accident. Thank you Father! mlc, MO

I had an experience that I would most definitely call an "angel" experience.

My mother died in July 1997 after fighting cancer for 1 1/2 years. My mother was only 50 years old, and watching her go through this ordeal was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my time time on earth. I am 27 now, but was 25 years old at the time, my brother was 23, and I have a husband and two little children now 4 1/2 and 2. My mother fought so hard to try and overcome the cancer, but couldn't beat it. I was always very close to my mom, and after her divorce from my dad, I grew even closer. Once I married and moved away, and then had children, our relationship grew even closer. I talked to my mom every day, and never went more than a week without seeing her. Aside from my husband, she was the closest person to me, and in a parent/child way, closer to me than my husband. I understood all the medical reasons for her death. I understood the way she developed cancer, and what went wrong for her in being able to overcome this. What I didn't understand was more on a spiritual level. Why did she die? Why at 50 years old did I lose my mom? Why did God do this? How could he do this to me? I had a very hard time with these questions and struggled with this daily. I was very angry with him, and felt myself backing away from my own church. I did not feel like worshiping a God who just ripped my life inside out.

One night, in mid-October of 1997, I went to bed. It was a Saturday night, and I had gone to bed a little early for me and decided to read a little. My daughter was in bed with me for a while and then when she went to her bed, I decided to go to sleep, too. It was only like 10pm, and my husband was watching TV. Sometime during my sleep, I started dreaming. (Now in the two weeks prior to this night I was wishing that I could see my mom one more time, what I wouldn't give to see my mom one more time, the way people do when they are grieving) Anyway, I started dreaming. The dream involved my husband, my brother-in-law and myself. We were working at a farmers market (none of this relates to our lives). We were in an area like a breezeway, but under roof, and there were wood bins in rows as if that is where produce would be (only they were all empty). There was a tv in this area, and my husband and his brother being avid Nascar fans were arguing whether to watch the race or not on tv. I was just standing there snickering at them, being amused by them. At this particular moment a girl (younger) came out of a door. She was wearing jeans and a shirt. She had blonde hair and had it pulled back in a ponytail. She just burst through this door and announced "Hey guys, there's a ghost over there!" We all looked at each other, wondering what was going on. I turned my head and saw this shadowy figure in the distance and there were some people standing around it so it was obviously visible to others. However, the figure was kind of searching faces. In a matter of seconds, the figure and I locked eyes and it traveled at a tremendous speed to me. At that moment, no one else existed in the dream but the figure and me. The second it was in front of me, I saw it was my mom. I couldn't believe my eyes. We did not talk to each other or speak any words. What happened was I became very moved to see it was my mom. She smiled at me in the most loving way, and gave me a thumbs up. In that next instant, the dream was over and I woke up, springing up in bed into a sitting position and I was terrified. I was sobbing, I was shaking, I was terrified. Not terrified that I saw my mom, but terrified at the realization of what had just happened. I knew, without a doubt, that God had answered my prayers and wishes to see my mom again. The girl that said about the ghost was in my eyes, most definitely an angel. I learned through the eye contact that I had with my mom, and her thumbs up (which she did often at home)that she was safe, she was happy, and was enjoying her eternal life. What I learned through this from God (through my mothers presence) was why he needed her. And I can't exactly put it into words, why he needed her. I also learned in this experience why I am here on earth, and what my purpose is. I learned the true meaning of life. I can't believe that this happened to me. Some people go through their whole life not knowing what their purpose is. Some don't even care to find out, and die empty. I at 26 years old (by then), was blessed in so many ways that night. I will share with everyone that I know that at some point in my life I will be working with children. I know that it will be in some form of perhaps foster care, or a program with underpriviledged children. I think that the sights are set that my priority is to raise my own children first, and once they are getting to be older teenagers, somehow this will start to phase into my life. I am looking forward to it. I was just made aware of so many things that night about my own spirituality and had answers to some of the questions I had to God about my mom's whole ordeal. I can remember every tiny detail to that dream. Even what my mom was wearing (clothes she had worn many times). To top it all off, which you might find hard to belive, a few weeks after this I was in my yard raking leaves (I now live in the house where my mother lived and I grew up) and I was raking near the foundation of the house on the back part of the house. Under some leaves and dirt I uncovered a shirt. Nothing out of the ordinary, because the wash line was right there and it made sense-maybe it was a rag, or something. I raked around it a little, and to my disbelief, it was the shirt that my mom had worn in the dream I had. Somehow, from the few months before when my mom was still living, she had worn this shirt and hung it out. How it got where it did, I don't know. All I know is that when I saw this shirt, to me it was like a confirmation that I did experience what I did.

The morning after I had my dream, I was very distraught. I immediately called my pastor, who was with my mom through a lot of this. I told him what happened. I was very worried that if I tried to share my good fortune with the wrong people that I might be coined "crazy" or something else. He did agree that there would be those non-believers that would not believe me. One thing he said that really made sense-whether what I experienced was real or not was this-he asked me if I believed what happended to be real. Immediately I responded yes without a doubt. He told me then that I should reflect that I had a true gift from God. He said it doesn't happen every day. I said I don't think that I will ever have an experience like this again. Say it isn't real, if it isn't, what would be wrong with restoring my faith in God, and planning my future through a dream? I don't think anything would be wrong. I look at it like this, whether it was "real" or not, both ways I came out a winner. But for the record I will live my life knowing I had a true spiritual experience from Jesus Christ, and I am honored to have been chosen to carry out in my time here on earth, what He has planned for me. Thank you for listening to my long, detailed letter. But I feel with something as exciting as this, I don't want to leave anything out. I could tell this story over and over. Thank you- Erica S. Adams


A few yrs. ago after my husband passed away, I had to get my l7 yr. old son from work, it was storming badly that night and I had to use the truck which I was not good at driving. I asked God to help me get out there and get my son. I pulled out of my driveway and I noticed a truck right away on the same street I live on, I had never seen that truck before. I drove up to the highway and I noticed he stayed ahead of me, at times all I could see was his tail lights and I kept thanking God for him. He kept driving up ahead of me a long ways toward where I would pick up my son, I thought nothing of it until I had to turn off and go under a bridge and there was not much traffic out that way. When I saw this truck turn off ahead of me under the exact same bridge I had to drive under, I immediately got goose bumps and realized this way a miracle, I followed that truck all the way out to where my son worked and he turned off just ahead of me right in the drive way where I got my son. It was AWESOME and I never did forget about it and I truly believe God sent me an angel that night to pick my son up. We made it safe and sound.. Praise God.. Mary Ann


In 1976 Ohio had a blizzard. I worked at a women's prison, and could do several things to help. So I packed up, prepared to stay overnight if necessary, and started out. I said to myself "uh oh God, if I'm going to make it, I'm going to need your help. (I am an impatient driver). I was just passing our church, when another car pulled out in front of me, without stopping, and then proceeded to poke along in front of me! I was fuming to myself about rude, pokey drivers. All of a sudden I started to laugh! I had asked God for help then when he sent someone to cause me to be more careful, I grumped! Thank you God! Helen Watson, Ohio


My story begins in Susanville CA .. In 1996 {I really don't know the date but lets get on with the story.At this time I had a great grandfather in the Susanville hospital , fighting cancer. He had been in and out of the hospital quit freqently. One day he had been in the hospital for a while.My mom and I decided to go home and get some lunch, I think I was about 8 around that time.Well we came back that night to the hospital. And my family and I are firm believers in Jesus Christ . And we had our Pastor there praying over great Grandpa. Well when we had arrived at the hospital , our cousin was in front on a bench crying, and my mom said "what" , because my mom couldn't really understand what my cousin said. Well we to my other grandpa and he said he's gone .. And I screamed saying "NO" and I ran in to see my Grandpa , shirly enough he had passed away!! But we had found out that he had passed on before we had arived at the hospital, and that our family members had tried to contact us!! Our Pastor , And my other grandpa had noticed that there was a quall on my grandpa's window,but there was no other bird on any other window at the hospital. But the thing was "right when my granpa had died and the machine started making that loud sound the bird flew straight up forward in the air .. And they could not see the bird in site!!! It was like Jesus came down and took my great grandpa spirits on home to Heaven. What a peaceful site. Thank you for listening to my story! Alesha Randolph { God Bless You All!!!!!!}


One Sunday after work, my sister and I were driving home. It just started to rain and the roads were slipperry. We were still very cautious driver because we only had our lisences for 2 monthes. Well, nearing an intersection, the light turned red, and we slowed to stop. Something happened with our car and our brakes locked. We skidded into the car in front of us. No one was hurt, but our car was totaled. The other car was just dented a bit. My sister, who was driving, was a mess. She was hystarical. I kept asking myself..."Why didn't I turn the whell into the ditch...?" My sister said she tried but the wheel didn't turn. Before the police came, a man stoped. He was helping My sister because she was crying. He didn't really help the other people, but he stayed with us. Finally he left, and drove away. Then, the police came. I keep wondering, why didn't he stay to tell the police, or be a wittness? My sister and I don't even know what he looked like, but all we remember is the love and caring that he gave us tohelp us through the terrible time. We also question why couldn't she turn the wheel. We think an angel helped us, becaus eif we did turn the wheel, we would have ended up in the steep ditch, and we probably could have gotten seriously hurt. I just wanted to say, that the man who stopped, if theres anychance that you are an angel, or just a person, thank you. I have faith that you saved us.


I've actually had a few experiences...either at times when I was in danger or at times when I was in a difficult life-experience, calling out to God for direction. The first experience I remember, I was travelling along a highway. Coming up a long hill, I heard a voice say to me, "Change into the slow, right-hand lane, there is a car coming over the hill in your lane". I was surprised, but not afraid and quickly changed lanes. Immediately, over the hill, came a speeding car in my lane. I actually turned and looked in the empty seat beside me expecting to see 'someone' ... and although I felt a 'peace & presence', I saw nothing. I believe that an angel was with me and spoke to me, and obviously, it was not my appointed time to die. Another time, I was travelling in an extremely bad snowstorm. I was on a country road and had 25 miles to go...there was no place to stop, and I could not see the road as the visibility was nil. I prayed and asked God to help send an angel to show me the way... At that time, a snow plow with large flashing lights pulled out in front of me, and I followed it.... not just a few miles, but the plow went to the same town, and made several turns in town,....right to the house that I was going to.... a perfectly escorted tour! As I drove following the plow, I sensed a large angel sitting on the hood of my car....and altho' I didn't 'see', with my eyes, I 'saw'!!! The other time more recently, was a cold spring day, when I was crying out to God to show me His plan for a certain difficult situation in my life. I walked in the park, and sat on a park bench... wanting privacy & to pray! An older lady, dressed in old clothes, and carrying a bag from the Salvation Army Thrift Shop came along....and out of the 10 benches she could have chosen, she picked mine. In my heart, I was screaming...'Go away, I don't want to talk to you... I want to be alone & be angry & sort this out with God!".... but she gently asked if she could sit on my bench...she was cold... I agreed...and tried not to talk to her. She gently started asking me questions... was I happy? did I have a husband??children?? I answered...then felt obligated to also ask her about her life.. & she shared her story, while lonely, she was positive and content. All of a sudden, my spirit was moved as I realized here was a woman God had sent to me to share Him with... and I was wallowing in my own selfish sorrows! And I knew I had to share Christ with her. As I opened my mouth to say something.... she asked me if I believed in God? You can imagine my surprise!.. I shared my relationship with Christ with her, and she shared back her own story of accepting Jesus as her Saviour. I found myself hugging a bag-lady with tears streaming down my face as I rejoiced with her. Then the conversation turned as she looked me in the eye and said,' Jesus is coming soon' I agreed with her...but was drawn back to her eyes, as she told me things about myself, that she couldn't have 'known'. She shared things with me that she didn't know.... and then it was time for me to go,.... get dinner for my family...I offered her a ride to wherever she was going, but she declined... she needed to walk. As I left, I was mulling in my mind the things she had said...and suddenly started to realize that she couldn't have known those things. I ran back into the park to insist on driving her...& to ask her who she really was... but she wasn't there. I searched around the park...she wasn't there... & I had left through the only entrance/ exit. I don't know for sure who my new friend was, but I believe God sent her to me to remind me that He cares intimately about the details of my life...Jesus IS coming again soon, and I need to be focussed on what's important, and trust His timing for my life!!


My daughter, Robin, and granddaughter, Deidre, were driving down from Bay City, MI (a 4 1/2 hour drive) and I was busy cleaning the house so we could enjoy our visit. I specifically remember that I was the only one home and I was mopping the kitchen floor when a deep male voice said, "Robin needs your prayers, now!" For some reason I looked at the clock - 4:14 p.m. and immediately dropped to the floor and prayed, "Please God, take care of Robin and Deidre and bring them safely to my home. Amen." After 90 minutes Robin came running into the house all flustered saying, "Mom you're never going to guess what happened!" I told her I didn't know what happened but I know it happened at 4:14 p.m. She was amazed that I knew what time the accident happened. She was driving at the legal speed when an elderly man pulled out right in front of her. She swerved to miss him but he still hit her car. No one was hurt and the only damage done was a small dent in her front bumper. She said, "I don't know what kept us from getting killed!" I know, God was with her on her trip.

I have never seen the angel but I have heard him on several other occasions. I want to meet that angel someday and say Thank You!

Pastor Phyllis


I have never seen a Angel but do belive. In 1996 I was in nineth grade my boyfriend at the time had droped out and was working. I had missed the bus that day and on top of that it had started raining. So I had paged Shaun to come get me. As soon as he left work I got a bad feeling, and something telling me that there was something wrong. I called my Cousion Stacy to come get me, after pageing Shaun a hafe of a dozen times. By the time Stacy got there I was crying to the point of not tommorw. She droped me off at home and I conenued to page Shaun. Around nine that night he called me back. It had seemed he had gotten in to a wreak and had been in the hospital haveing xrays done of his back and neck. After seeing his car I broke down and cried agian, becouse there is noway he could of walked out of it a live. All I could think to tell him at the time is there was a Angel with him and me at that time.

A year before I met Shaun I had met a great guy by the name of Joe. On Valintines Day he took me out to dinner and bought me a teddy bear and one single white rose. On the way to take me home a Drunk Driver hit us head on and killed him on inpack. When I seen Shauns car I found a single white rose in the passenger seat of Shauns car. Shaun says he has no ideal were it came from to this very day. I truely belive that Joe was the Angle that saved Shauns life. Joe if you are there I want to say thank you so much for saveing my best friends life.


I have never seen a Angel but do belive. In 1996 I was in nineth grade my boyfriend at the time had droped out and was working. I had missed the bus that day and on top of that it had started raining. So I had paged Shaun to come get me. As soon as he left work I got a bad feeling, and something telling me that there was something wrong. I called my Cousion Stacy to come get me, after pageing Shaun a hafe of a dozen times. By the time Stacy got there I was crying to the point of no tommorw. She droped me off at home and I contenued to page Shaun. Around nine that night he called me back. It had seemed he had gotten in to a wreak and had been in the hospital haveing xrays done of his back and neck. After seeing his car I broke down and cried agian, becouse there is noway he could of walked out of it a live. A year before I met Shaun I had met a great guy by the name of Joe. On Valintines Day he took me out to dinner and bought me a teddy bear and one single white rose. On the way to take me home a Drunk Driver hit us head on and killed him on inpack. When I seen Shauns car I found a single white rose in the passenger seat of Shauns car. Shaun says he has no ideal were it came from to this very day. I truely belive that Joe was the Angle that saved Shauns life. Joe if you are there I want to say thank you so much for saveing my best friends life.